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Evaluation Extended Practice 2021

This term I have built on the painting practice I have been developing for nearly two years now, and I truly feel I have found a practice...

14th of May

The final Painting of my degree.. This felt very odd to start and I am not sure if it's quite finished. I love the natural colours and...

10th of May

This painting developed extremely quickly and naturally, every so often in the first stages of a painting the works seems to come...

6th of May

Continuing this concept of layering and covering up repeatedly to create a painting that holds the unconscious thoughts, feeling and...

4th of May

Today I finished one of the paintings I have been working on for a while now, I have been thinking about the idea Rebecca Harper and I...

31st of April

back to my lighter palette WIP "One of the lessons learned from the Vanguard Europeans by American artists in the 40s was that work of...

30th of April

After seeing the recent Emin and Munch show, I have been thinking more about titles. Emin named each one of her canvas and created a...

25th of April

This work feels like it doesn't fit in with the work I have been making recently, I knew this while I was working. However, after...

19th of April

Work In Progress Artists De kooning Mitchell Guston Albert Irvin

9th of April

I am enjoying this new lighter more wash like pallete, I am slightly concerned about not getting enough variety of colour, and maybe this...

26th March

This kind of working is difficult if some ways I want the work to be heavily layer but I want it to look fresh and made quickly I am...

4th of April

I have been using more text in my work recently, I feel like I am genuinely making work that expresses my emotions truthfully. I find...

21st of March

Another painting/drawing thinking about the same concepts -expressing myself truthfully -letting my emotions run the way I paint -using...

20th of March

Today I started a new painting in similar way to my latest painting(17TH). However, this time I wrote down a kind of diary entry for the...

17th of March

{starting this work about my current emotions and unconscious during one of this biggest anti misogyny movements of my time brought on by...

16th of March

WIP Starting this work about my current emotions and mindset during one of this biggest anti misogyny movements of my time brought on by...

10th of March

Using washes rather than opaque paint made all the difference, I watched a video on Albert Irvin and he spoke about using washes of...

5th of March

what if there is no background and only marks.. These marks are beautiful and hold great power, they're almost wave like. But I still...

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